1992年 東京都Vocalコンテスト最優秀歌唱賞受賞。
2005年「With Love」でのメジャーデビュー以降、2017年1月発売の「Singing to the sky」まで、5枚のリーダーアルバム含む計9枚のCDをリリース。また、2015年3月発売の「Yours」は作詞作曲からアレンジまで全編本人によるフルオリジナルCDであり、歌唱だけにとどまらず、その作詞・作曲能力はもちろん、アレンジ能力も高く評価されている。
CDはもちろんのこと、その真骨頂が発揮されるのはライブである。驚くほど豊かな声量に加えて、知識に裏付けられた正確なピッチコントロールによりなされる楽器陣とのインタープレイを聴けば、まさに「楽器としての声」を操ることができる稀有なシンガーであり、「Japan Jazz」「JazzLife」等の各紙に「ジャズボーカル界を変革する、異次元からのボーカリスト」と言われる所以がわかる。さらにその確実な英語力、発音は「完璧」と評価され、老若男女、国籍を問わず幅広いファン層に支持されている。
また、「歌は生き様」「音楽は人格を形成する」「人生の秘訣は与えること」という強い信念のもと、後進の指導にもあたっている。プロのトレーナー及びあらゆる表現者を対象として2017年設立したスクール「Authentic Artist Academy」では、脳科学や心理学をベースに、表現者としての在り方や、大きな影響力を発揮するためのスキルを科学的に教えており、大きな評判を得ている。
Authentic Artist Academy代表
"Maki's song is both daring and delicate." The Yomiuri
Maki Fujimura was born on March 16th in Tokyo, Japan. She started playing the piano at 3 years old and took lessons for 15 years.
People first took notice of her musical talent when she was in kindergarten. She started singing in a band as a lead vocals when she was just 15 years old. Though Maki didn't realize her passion for singing until while studying law abroad at Stanford , she became interested in Gospel music. Upon returning to Japan, Maki started to perform regularly with her collage bandmates. In addition to Gospel music, she was very influenced by Rock and Pop music especially Pink Floyd, Bon Jovi, and the Beatles. While finishing at Keio University, Maki won the best singer award for a 1995 vocal competition in Tokyo and sponsored by Bose.
After graduating, Maki began to teach vocal lessons at a private music school in Takatsuki, Osaka. It was at this time that she began to be interested in Jazz. She started performing at many Jazz clubs and Jazz Festivals in Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe. Her main influences changed from Rock and Pop to Jazz, specifically Dee Dee Bridgewater, Joni Mitchel, and of course Ella Fitzgerald. And Maki has been working as a lecturer of Osaka University Of Art since 2006, ---raising the next generations.
Maki has recently recorded two albums as lead vocals; With Love(2005 Cool Aid Record), and Sincerely (2008 Bluestar Music Japan). Her album, With Love, was the most popular CD at the Osaka Tower Records in 2005. The same year, she performed With Love at Sankei Hall in Osaka to an audeience of 1,400 and press raved about her performance. She was featured in an article called "Someone Who Encourages Osaka" in the Jan. 1st 2006 issue of the Yomiuri newspaper.
Sincerely, her second duo album, is also highly acclaimed by critics for sounding as if it were recorded live.
Besides performing around Kansai region, Maki has frequently toured not only Tokyo but all over Japan. Each jazz bar, jazz restaurant, and jazz club is always filled with to the max.